Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Post from the comments section:

I didn't realize that I was getting comments - that is fixed because now when someone comments, I'll get an email to let me know! What a shame I missed out on this!!

Conserving Arkansas Argicultural Heiritage said...
Hello Ozark Seed Savers! I want to invite you to the Arkansas (Ozark) Seed Swap at the Ozark Folk Center in Mt. View Ar on Sat, March 1, 2008 from 12-3. Free food, music, and lots of folks with seeds to swap. For more information please see the following link: http://www.uca.edu/news/index.php?itemid=1869
February 27, 2008 7:17 AM

Welcome New Members!

We have new members on board, but no one is posting anything yet. Ya'll come on and join in - lets get this site sprouting!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Have: Cushaw, Arugula / Want: sweet corn

Hi, I have enough seeds from cushaw squash and arugula to share with someone. It only takes a few cushaw plants to have enough squash for a whole winter's storage! The arugula seeds are tiny. I can supply someone with 10-20 cushaw and a teaspoon full of arugula seed.

I'd like seeds of a good heirloom sweet corn. I've heard "Golden Bantam" is a good variety. Anyone have that? I need about 100 plants to have enough genetic diversity and pollination to save good seed from it for next year.

Roxann, Kingston
visit my blog: Ozark Musings